Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chewing gum!

How much do u know about chewing gum??? Well its been around since the 19th century. Its been called something totally different. The ancient Greek called it Mastiche which means "chew"! I mean they didn't have different kinds like today but it was just something to pass the time. I mean doesn't it help you pass the time by or concentrate on something! How much did you know about chewing gum??? Well i bet you know more now!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Science Fair!!!!!

Okay well I like to do the science fair until everyone gets so stressed bout it! Then it becomes irritating!!! I think its kinda fun doing the whole process: cutting out letters, typing it all up, doing a project, and making your board look pretty (That's my favorite part)!!!! I also like going in front of the judges and show off my project!!!! :)